Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Guess I Stopped Counting

Haven't been here for a long time again. And I'm not counting...but I need to come back again and choose to be thankful.

It's another rough patch. Real rough. I'm thinking again of a rather odd "thankful list" I journalled another time. Thankful for all the things I do NOT have, have NOT experienced. It's a list of lots of other pains that would perhaps be much harder than those I face now.


I'm thankful I still have a refuge in Jesus, in the God of this universe. Though I do not know what He is doing, or how He sees things, He promises to guide and protect. I can trust I'll see enough of the picture.

I'm thankful for strength enough for each day. I don't know how I'll make it through. Some days terrify me. But I am learning, as I work it through in prayer in the morning, getting to trust and faith...the day turns out okay.